Think of your career as a jungle gym, sharpen your peripheral vision, and look for opportunities all around. 把自己的职业想象成攀爬架,睁大眼睛,保持开阔的视野,从周围寻找机会。
Gazing at Mona Lisa's eyes, our less accurate peripheral vision notices the mouth, picking up shadows from the cheekbones. 在凝视蒙娜丽莎的眼睛时,我们并不是那么精准的外围视力就注意在嘴巴上了,而嘴巴上则覆有脸颊骨的阴影。
One in ten-1.3million-drive in wide-armed glasses that severely restrict their peripheral vision. 十分之一、共130万名受访者戴宽边太阳镜驾驶,这种眼镜会严重影响她们的周围视觉。
The user can move windows to this display he wants to be able to view with a glance, but they remain out of peripheral vision to prevent distractions while busy creating more bugs. 在忙着消灭更多bug时,用户可以把窗口移动到这个显示上看一眼,同时余光注意着其他窗口,防止分心。
Arranged around the edges in the peripheral vision are other components that give additional information related to the focus component. 安排在外围区域的是提供与焦点组件相关的附加信息的其他组件。
They confirmed that the part of the auditory cortex that picks up peripheral sound switches to peripheral vision. 他们证实先天失聪的猫听觉皮层中接收周边声音的部分,转化成了周边视觉。
If your phone has a light to indicate it is ringing which most office phones have put your phone in your peripheral vision where you will see when the light illuminates. 如果你的电话有来电的指示灯一般大多数办公室都有的把手机放到次要显眼的位置,这样你就能看到提示灯亮了。
Researchers compared congenitally deaf cats to hearing cats, and found that deaf cats have enhanced peripheral vision and motion detection. 研究人员将先天失聪的猫和听觉正常的猫比较后发现,前者拥有周边视觉和运动检测功能。
They have an exception for "peripheral vision man." 关于“余光超人”有个例外
Streaks of neon light in peripheral vision to steal in, the moment of our kiss and set-piece in the white wall, we very much like that of the meditation of the Monju. 几缕霓虹灯的余光偷进来,把我们亲吻的瞬间,定格在洁白的墙上,我们极像了那打坐的文殊。
In peacetime, we can read in their own training and awareness, using peripheral vision to expand the group intended to block inspections sites. 我们可以在平时的阅读中有意识地训练自己,利用末稍视觉扩大以意群为组块的视幅。
Stand with that door to your side but don't look directly at it; you want it to be in your peripheral vision. 靠着那扇门站定,但是不要直视它,只是把它纳入你的周边视野即可。
Through this test, you will understand why objects are seen more clearly at night with your peripheral vision. 当你完成这个测试后,便会明白为何在夜间,你的周边视力能让你看得更清楚。
As aresult of the surgery, he lost peripheral vision in his right eye. 手术结果是,他失去了右眼的周边视觉。
The color stays green, which means something has happened – because nothing in your peripheral vision should have any color at all. 门保持绿色就意味着发生了什么改变&因为在周边视野范围内事没有什么颜色的。
So, for the next few minutes, I will give you a sense of why it is like that Mike has not achieved that fluidity, even though his peripheral vision has been restored. 因此,我会用随后的几分钟,来帮助大家理解,迈克及时在恢复间接视力之后,仍为何实现这一流度,大家都知道。
It does not affect peripheral vision, but the loss of clear central vision can rob a person of the ability to read, drive and recognise people's faces even without causing total blindness. 这种病不影响外周视力,但是明显的中心视力的丧失会剥夺患者阅读、驾驶的能力,甚至即使没有出现全盲的情况下也会是患者不能认出别人的脸。
While their peripheral vision is not affected, the damage to their central vision leads to many being registered as blind or partially sighted. 本病仅影响中央视力,而周边视觉不受损害,可致盲或低视力。
Characteristic epileptic-like convulsions, which may be preceded by visual disturbances, such as loss of peripheral vision, also occur. 还会发生典型的象癫痫一样的抽搐,之前还可能会发生视觉障碍,如丧失间接视力。
A figure came into my peripheral vision. 一个身影进入我的眼角。
It involves staring straight ahead into a machine and clicking a button when you notice a blinking light in your peripheral vision. 实验包括直视实验屏,在视野外周出现闪光点是按下按钮。
He was not looking at her directly, though she sensed his peripheral vision could find her, even as he seemed to stare out the window. 他并没有直面看着她,不过她感觉得到他即使好像在注视着窗外,他视野的边缘也会扫到她。
I have no peripheral vision in my, um, hat. 我带着帽子看不见周围。
A visual field test may be performed on glaucoma suspects to detect peripheral vision loss. 对疑似青光眼的患者需要做一项视觉测试来确定外周视力减退。
The typical motorcycle pre-crash lines-of-sight to the traffic hazard portray no contribution of the limits of peripheral vision; 典型摩托车碰撞前预知交通危险的典型视线下并未发生人的边缘视野局限。
You toggled the display of the peripheral vision radar. 您把雷达锁定在周围的状况。
Social networks give us peripheral vision of what our friends are up to but there is still a need for the e-mail equivalent of direct eye-contact. 社交网络让我们可以从侧面了解到我们的朋友们在干些什么,但电子邮件这种直接的目光接触仍然是必要的。
Emphasis is the relationship between reaction times and accident times, as well as movements of object tends to be detected by peripheral vision. 重点讨论了反应时间与交通事故的关系,以及周边视觉对相对运动的察觉。
Vision information account for above 90% of all the information which drivers gain in the driving, drivers mainly use the peripheral vision information to percept the vehicle speed and the vehicles position, then carry on the judgment and decision-making. 在驾驶员获取信息中90%以上是视觉信息,驾驶员主要通过周边视觉信息来感知车速及车辆位置,然后进行判断、决策、行动。
On the other hand due to the limited scope of the work of the channel and surgery, the lack of peripheral vision and stereo vision to determine its patients are demanding. 但由于有限的工作通道和手术范围,缺乏周围视野和立体视觉,决定其对术者要求较高。